Which methodology is used for Bundles?
As Finst is an execution-only platform, we do not provide any investment advice nor asset management to our clients. We do not have any opinion on where the market will evolve, which is why we decided to develop a clear and objective proprietary methodology regarding the composition and functioning of our crypto Bundles. There are many different (indexing) methodologies used in the investment world. The two most common ones are “equal weighting” and “weighting based on market capitalizatFew readersWhat are the fees applicable to Bundles?
In addition to our extremely low trading fees of 0,15% per order, Bundles only incur a small fee of 0,10% of the Bundle value per month for the smart rebalancing. This rebalancing fee includes the trading fees on the rebalanced amounts. No maintenance fee, management fee, entry/exit fee or custody fee. And no added spread whatsoever!Few readersHow can I invest in Bundles?
Investing in Bundles is quick and easy. Once logged in to your account, select a Bundle from the “Bundles” tab on desktop or mobile, enter the amount of your choice in the order window and click confirm. That’s it.Few readersWhich Bundles are available?
Finst offers a wide range of crypto Bundles based on the most popular digital assets by market capitalization as well as various sectors. The list of Bundles available on our platform can be found here. We will continuously add new Bundles in the future based on our clients’ suggestions.Few readersHow do Bundles work?
Finst crypto Bundles are a smart and very convenient way to invest in a basket of multiple cryptocurrencies and diversify your investments in one click. With Bundles, you can buy or sell a predefined combination of cryptos of your choice. For instance, the Top 10 cryptos that are available on the Finst platform, the Top 25 or even a Green Bundle. The weighting of the Bundles’ constituents is determined based on their real-time market capitalization. Every month, Finst rebalances your Bundles autFew readersWhat are the benefits of investing in Bundles?
There are several benefits of investing in Bundles with Finst: Diversified: Bundles help you diversify your investments easily and reduce the impact of individual asset performance on your overall investment. As the saying goes “never put all your eggs in one basket” (unless it’s a Finst crypto Bundle). Convenient: Bundles are designed to be a simple and easy way to invest in a basket of cryptocurrencies in one single click. Saving you time, energy, and money on your fees.Few readersDo I own the coins that are invested in Bundles?
Yes, at Finst you always own your cryptocurrencies, whether you bought them individually or through a Bundle. Your Bundle, your coins.Few readersIs there any minimum investment amount or holding period?
No, there is no minimum amount to invest in a Bundle or holding period. However, we do not recommend investing very small amounts as it may be practically impossible to buy or sell some of the constituents from a certain Bundle due to their respective weights.Few readersWho are bundles for?
Crypto Bundles are ideal for long-term investors looking for a diversified, easy, and affordable passive investment solution. They are suitable for both experienced and novice investors who do not want to manage individual cryptocurrencies.Few readers